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Member Application

Important points to remember in completing this application form:

  • It is absolutely essential that you enter your email address correctly.  If you don't, we will be unable to contact you.
  • Remember to write down your password.
  • You must fill in all fields with an asterisk (*).
  • In the Association Name field, please enter "Retirees Association".
  • It is very important to also fill in the Geo Area field to assure that you receive appropriate updates.
  • If you are on severance bridging to retirement, it is very important that you indicate this in the Retirement Status field.  This will permit you to be placed on the list to gain entrance to the Richmond Retirees Association meetings.
  • Be aware that if you fill in the optional fields (e.g. phone number) other dues paying members will be able to see that information when they go into the Member Directory
  • It is your responsibility to keep your information up to date by changing your profile (under your name in the top right hand corner) as changes occur.

When you pay your dues, your membership application will be approved, and you will receive an email from the Retirees Connection. Then, please try to log in. You will have access to the Members-Only Section, including the Member Directory and other features through the remainder of the year.  Dues are only $20 and are collected annually for the calendar year January through December.

To pay your dues and get access to the Members-Only Section and other features, all you have to do is either pay your dues online with a credit or debit card or make out a check to PMARA for $20.00 and mail it to our Treasurer, Charlie Krausse.  His address is 580 Cottage Row, Tappahannock, VA 22560. When sending your check, please clearly print your name, address, and email and include it with your check.  Also please clearly write your phone number (with area code) and email address (if you have one). If you are sending your dues check late in the year and you are NOT planning to attend the Christmas luncheon or any other special events requiring pre-registration, you may include a note that you want the check to be for dues for the new year rather than the current year.  Your website access will begin shortly after your check is received.

You can also wait and pay your dues at the next in-person meeting.  Filling out and submitting this application the Thursday prior to our Tuesday meetings will ensure that you are on our Security list for entrance through the Gate, unless the meeting is a special one requiring pre-registration.  Your access to the Members-Only Section of the website only begins after you pay your dues.

Member - $20.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: March 1st
Your membership renewal date will be: 01 Mar 2026
No automatically recurring payments

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